Coming soon!

~Brother Dipples~ Hand Carved Diamond Willow Walking Sticks

These sticks are as individual as you can get. Never two the same. Pictures and descriptions soon!!

Diamond Willow is a tree native to Northern Minnesota.

I ride my mountain bike around in the wooded areas here.
When I find a nice stand of this wood, I flag it and then
come back later and harvest only the really choice pieces.
Then it is hand peeled, and set aside to dry, while I hand carve
and sand the dried sticks. The finishing process is also hand applied,
hand sanding w/ superfine sandpaper then a coat of high gloss poly,
Then another sanding,then poly again until 4 coats of glossy brilliance.
The result is a very tough finish with a glossy shine.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Thank You!

~~Brother Dipple~~

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